Creature Studio Session


Here are some of my best photos from my studio session yesterday:

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I think the orange object works really well. The tentacles do actually look realistic, giving the object a life-like look. I also like how the orange changes depending on how much I have the vibrance setting on. The object could be mistaken for some form of anemone with the strange tentacles and body in the middle. The objects all stand out well against the black background that I used. I am aware that there are footprints on the black background, although in my photos they actually look more like waves or little areas of light in the sea as opposed to footprints. The mushroom has a lovely texture to it, making it appear as though it is a creature losing its skin.


The texture of this bath sponge also works well, appearing as though it is some sort of coral or coral-like creature from the deep. The difference between the background and subject worked well in this photo, as the background is completely black like in David Shale’s work.

If I am to go back and take some more photos, I need to try and find some cleaner black paper to use (there was none present whilst I was there) and perhaps experiment with a different lens as well.

Danny Treacy

Danny Treacy is a photographer who specialises in using (literally) found materials to make completely different things. His two biggest projects have been ‘Them’, where he used recovered clothes collected from “lonely places”, modelled them on himself and created a set of rather scary photos. His other major project is called ‘Those’ where he used found materials to create creatures that look like they are from the deep sea.

I especially like his ‘Those’ collection as I plan to try and create creatures that look like they are from the deep sea too. He uses a black background in all of them, which I also plan to do, and the way he has lit the objects is perfect for a sea theme.

Here are a selection of my favourite photos from ‘Those’:

those27 those45 those47 those50

The way that some of them look as though they have legs and heads is very effective. I think I plan to use objects with different textures to these – more of a wet/rubbery texture – as I feel that it will tie in with my ocean theme more.


I may revisit Danny’s work in later briefs as his ‘Them’ collection will fit in well.

David Shale

David Shale is a photographer of real deep sea creatures. For nearly 40 years he has been taking photos of them for scientific research and TV nature programs. Even though the creatures are from the deep sea, the majority of his photos have actually been taken on the surface. They bring the creatures up using nets and then this allowed him to take some photos before they vanish again. Recently, he has been using a Remote Operating Vehicle to take the photos instead though.
I felt that before I attempt to take photos of fake deep sea creatures, I should look at some real ones first for some inspiration. I am also hoping that I might be able to recreate some of the creatures he finds using objects I find.

Here are some of his photos that I specifically like:
This basketstar jellyfish ties in with my lampshade idea- if I could find a lampshade with a lot of dangly bits and light it from underneath then I could try and create a creature like this.


These seed shrimp look like egg yolks with something over the top. This might be quite a messy one to create but may potentially look good.


This batfish makes me think of those squishy translucent balls with flashing lights in the middle that children play with. If I could fine one of these balls, especially if it has a knobbly texture, and perhaps light it from the front and have the light on in the middle, then this could work well.

Polynoid polychaete

This looks like one of those dusters you use that has all the microfibre bits sticking off it. There are even particles around it that could be dust. This is definitely a potential.


This is a brittle starfish that was found in coral. I love how it looks more like a plant or plant roots and how bright it is. I have no idea how I could create a creature that looks like this unless I used something like rope.