First Ideas!

For my second brief, I am very interested in making creatures that look like they are from somewhere deep in the sea.

My instant thoughts were to use a lampshade and make it look like a jellyfish as they already have the obvious dangly tentacles as well as the main body area.

You can buy squishy balls with lights in the middle which might look good!


I then thought about wrapping items that are strange shapes in tin foil to make creatures but I am not sure if this would work or not.

Things I am sure of:

  • I will need a black background to make the object appear as though it is in the sea
  • I will need to shine lights in unusual ways to look like distant sunlight shining on the creatures
  • I will need to be creative!

Second thoughts and final submission

So for my first project I was specifically going for a Toiletpaper look, which I think paid off looking at the photos below this post. The central framing, the bright colours, the random subjects and just about every aspect of the photos fits with Toiletpaper, which I am incredibly pleased with. Now that I have grasped the basics of using the studio, I hope that it will not take so long to complete the rest of my projects. I also learnt in the lesson that we just need a couple of clear influences and a few blogs on process – not as many as I have been doing!

Photos for my final submission:
Things that work with this photo:

  • The pastel colours contrasting with the bright sweets
  • The framing of the clamp and the sweets
  • The idea of the sweets being compressed
  • The randomness of the photo

Things that worked well with this photo:

  • The bright, contrasting colours
  • The fact the hammer blue is a lighter shade
  • The difference between the colours in the middle
  • The positioning of the hammer






Things that I like about theses:

  • I love how the baguette/fish substitute a leg
  • The interesting patterns on my shoe
  • The fact it plays on squeaky clean advertisement photography
  • The odd colour combinations
  • The textures of the bread/fish and my shoes
  • I can incorporate it in my next project for creatures

I do not like:

  • The dirt on the bottom of my shoe (I tried to edit this out but it just looked fake)

Do they fit?

To be fully happy with my final photos, I had to make sure that they would fit with the magazine style of Toiletpaper. Here are a few of my photos placed as the front cover of the Toiletpaper magazine (I realised the landscapes do not fit so well so I cut the bottom of the photos off:

Screen Shot 2015-10-21 at 16.51.47

Screen Shot 2015-10-21 at 16.52.24

Screen Shot 2015-10-21 at 16.52.51

I am very pleased with my outcome and feel my photos work well in terms of colour and weirdness.

Final Submission

Before you ask, I intentionally turned up the contrast in these photos:
thumb_IMG_2923_1024 thumb_IMG_2921_1024-2
The cheese looked a little bland set at the normal contrast levels and the green background was not bright enough, but with turning up the contrast, it made the photos make far more interesting.

I turned down the saturation a little in these photos:thumb_IMG_2928_1024 thumb_IMG_2937_1024

I like the softness of these photos and feel they would work well on the front cover of Toiletpaper.

I really like how my second attempt of the sweet photo worked:
The sugar next to the sweets reminds the audience that the photo is of real food, and then I love how the colours contrast.