Second Studio session

I decided to continue with my ‘replace leg with other object in shoe’ idea in this session and managed to take these photos:
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I really like how these photos turned out and how strange they look. I feel the fish photo is probably my favourite, probably because of the contrast of the fish against the other colours in the photo.

I then decided to look for other objects in the studio to incorporate in my work:
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I decided to retake my photo of the liquorice allsorts with a macro lens to see if I could improve the quality of the photo. I feel it worked well and I like the way the shadows come away from the front of the sweets in the way that waves come away from the front of a boat.
I like the soft colours of the clamp and hammer photos too and feel that these also work as new formalism photos.

After a little tweaking, I feel these photos will look great for my final submission and hopefully tick the random box.

Fifth Lesson!

Today we experimented with using more than one light in the studio. I happened to be the photographer taking photos of our teacher. The photos taken in the lesson show my progression with using the camera (I had never used a 6D before) as well as how the changes in lighting affected the mood and quality of the photo.
This was taken using one light (which is what I used in my first own studio session). It shows how much of a shadow you can achieve with just one light. Even though Adam is a little soft in this photo, I do actually like how the lighting makes the photo look dark and mysterious.

This photo was taken using 3 lights and proves how you should be careful when lighting the background!! I do not like how it has made the edges of Adam glow and will make sure I watch out if lighting a background.

This one of my best photos in terms of lighting. I like the halo effect and the gradient of the background. The lighting on Adam is also nice and not too harsh or soft.

This was taken using a 100mm macro lens and actually achieved a Kerrang! mag look. I like how his has turned out (other than the obvious infinity wall in the background) and may experiment with this style when we begin our portraiture project.

Overall I really learnt the importance of lights in portraits in this studio session and really found it useful.


As mentioned earlier on, I am interested at looking at advertisement photography in a different light. Here are some great examples I have found of this:
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These photos come under an idea called ‘A Matter of Taste’. I like how they combine a comical aspect of the accessories being made of food as well as the truth behind the photos – some people will like them and some will not. These are a really clever take on advertisement.
I am not sure whether they are taking the mickey of large designer fashion labels or not?
Here is the website I found them on:

I also like the fact the photos are really light and the background does not detract your attention – I don’t like how dark a lot of still life photography is.


For when I next go into the studio, I need to make sure I am more prepared than I was last time. One of the main issues I had last time was with my background as it did not fit behind my subject.

I found these tips on backgrounds in photography:

Although some of the ideas are kind of obvious, I feel the tips are quite helpful.

I am also going to alternate with different background colours to fit the brief which states we need to involve different ideas in each photo submitted.

Maurizio Cattelan

I have found one of the Toiletpaper photographers that took photos such as this:

He is an Italian artist who is actually known for his satirical sculptures and often works with Pierpaulo Ferrari to create work for Toiletpaper. He initially began with working with taxidermy and then moved onto basing his work on cliches and puns.

I do not know how to describe his work other than saying it is incredibly strange. It is, however, eye catching, which is what makes it most interesting.

Here is a Pinterest featuring most of his work: