This time, instead of just filming one person doing loads of things, I filmed 6 people all eating the same sweet. I also used the LED lights as they are supposed to look better in videos. Here is my finished video involving 4 of the original videos I shot (I couldn’t work out how to make a 6 shot video and found making a quadrant a lot easier.
I still had a few issues when shooting – I used 2 LED lights and had them both on 15 on the little back monitor and still found the shots to be incredibly bright. I have since dulled them down in Premiere Pro and turned down the exposure and white balance but I still do not like the harsh white light that comes off them as much. Some of the people I recorded did not show many expressions when I filmed them so I decided not to use them – I wanted the most expressive people so that you could compare the 4 videos.
Even though the shots are a little bright, I am happy with my final product and find it incredibly interesting comparing everyone’s reactions as they all started eating the sweets at the same time. I also like how all the people look at the camera as it makes it more personal, adding to the interest of the video.
Very Informative article. Keep posting this type of article. Thank you!