
So I may have completely changed my idea for my typology. When I went in town earlier to today to take my photos, I noticed something: no one was wearing a hat. It would take ages to find enough people willing to have a photo taken in a hat. So I changed my idea and decided to look for something that is common in Lincoln, as it is a typology of Lincoln, and something that I did not need to ask about or waste lots of time on. So I chose doors and here is my typology:

Doors Typology

I noticed whilst walking up Steep Hill that there are a lot of pretty and relatively grand/nice doors. So I took loads of photos of them from various different distances and created this typology. I have noticed that the vast majority of the doors are either a green or a grey colour – this may be down to taste or just fashion of front doors at the moment. I also liked to try and keep the detailing in above the door as this sometimes added to the interest of the photo.

I have an interest in interior/exterior design anyway and feel this was a good way of investigating it but by using photography. I am pleased with my typology and am glad I had 16 decent photos to use as I believe typologies look better with more photos (generally). If I were to do it again, I perhaps would not leave it to the last minute and would give my subjects slightly more thought.

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